Please join Rebound Prime.

Maybe you already pay to listen to a couple of your favorite podcasts. Maybe you don’t. But one thing is clear: You’re here because you listen to The Rebound, and you’re curious about finding more ways to support the show.

“Rebound Prime has made me happier, more successful in life and with friends, richer, taller, and better at juggling.”

Shmohn Shmoltz, real Rebound Prime subscriber

Rebound Prime costs $5 per month. That’s just five purchases at the $1 Store. Or pay $50 for a year, because: savings. And here’s what you get:

    • Bootleg version of the show (posted as soon as we finish recording, but without editing)
    • bonus episode every single week, about whatever the heck we want. It may contain Picks.
    • Ability to submit questions for our weekly Ask the Hostssegment
    • Invitation to the members-only Rebound Prime Discord.
    • Listen to live-streams (via Discord) during most episode recordings (NEW!)
    • The joy of supporting Dan, John, and Lex
    • Discounts on merch, when we intermittently launch merch
  • Various and sundry other surprises! You never know what we might offer, but we have ideas! Technology, am I right?

Don’t just sit there. Subscribe to Rebound Prime today for $5 per month. Or, if it’s more your style, subscribe to Rebound Prime for $50 per year. Look at this guy.

Are you a crazy person? Try the $500 Lifetime Membership.